Mission Statement:
We recognize that school sports experiences can contribute greatly to the values and ethics of each athlete. Positive sports experiences teach important life skills, encourage team work, help shape character and citizenship, encourage an active lifestyle and often contribute to success in academics. We are dedicated to making a healthy and positive sports program accessible to every eligible student in our community. Sports are a privilege in our school and are intended to complement, support and add to the learning they are experiencing in their academic program. Athletes need to understand they represent their families, coaches, and school and are expected to perform at and held to a higher level of personal and academic conduct.
Athletic Policies and Procedures
To be a member of a team, potential student athletes are selected from general eligibility requirements established by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association. Members must, in addition to NYSPHSAA rules, abide by additional rules as described by SCS, Section IV and the league. All student athletes and the persons in parental relation must read the following guidelines and sign the statement of agreement and emergency permission form, as well as all medical certification paperwork. Before a student athlete may participate they must be medically certified and academically eligible.
Modified Program Philosophy
This program is available to all students in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. At this level the focus is on learning athletic skills, game rules, and fundamentals of team play, social and emotional growth, physiological appropriate demands on the adolescent body and healthy competition. In order for the desired development of an adolescent and the team to occur, practice sessions are vital. The NYSPHSAA publishes regulations by which practice sessions are governed. Keep in mind that practices and games are often scheduled for Saturdays. Learning the "team" concept is crucial, and commitment to attend practices and games is expected. Opportunities for meaningful contest participation for each team member will exist over the course of a season.
Junior Varsity Program Philosophy
The Junior Varsity level is intended for those who display the potential of continued development into productive varsity level performers. Although team membership varies according to the structure of each program, freshmen and sophomores occupy the majority of roster positions. In certain situations, juniors who are expected to make contributions at the varsity level will be considered for junior varsity participation. Also, middle school students who have satisfied all selection classification requirements may hold roster spots on the JV teams.
At this level, athletes are expected to have visibly committed themselves to the program, team, and continued self-development. To this end, increased emphasis is placed on physical conditioning, refinement of fundamental skills, and elements and strategy of team play in addition to social and emotional development. Junior Varsity programs work towards achieving a balance between continued team and player development and striving for victory. Although the main goal at this level is preparation for skills and strategies that will be needed at the varsity level, the outcome of the contest also becomes a consideration.
The realization that practice sessions are important is a premise that is vital to successful JV teams and players. For all team members, meaningful contest participation will exist over the course of a season. However, a specified amount of playing time is never guaranteed. Participants at this level are preparing themselves for a six-day a week commitment that is expected at the varsity level. While contests and practices are not often held on holidays and Sundays, practice sessions are sometimes scheduled during school vacations periods. With the goal of becoming a varsity student athlete clearly in sight, a high level of dedication and commitment is expected at the JV level.
Varsity Program Philosophy
Varsity competition is the culmination of each sports program. Normally, seniors and juniors make up the majority of the roster with sophomores and occasional freshmen that have shown evidence of advanced levels of physical development, athletic skills and appropriate social and emotional development. It is possible, but rare, for a Middle School level student to be included on a varsity roster.
Squad size at the varsity level is limited. The number of participants on any given team is a function of those needed to conduct effective practices and contests. It is vital that each team member has a role and understands its importance. The number of roster positions is relative to the students' acceptance of their individual roles in pursuit of the team's goals. While contest preparation over the course of a season is desirable, a specified amount of playing time at the varsity level is never guaranteed.
A sound attitude and advanced level of skill are prerequisites for a position in a varsity team, as is the realization that a varsity spot requires a six-day a week commitment. This commitment is often extended in vacation periods for all sports seasons. The dedication and commitment needed to conduct a successful varsity program needs to be taken seriously by all stakeholders.
The varsity coach is the leader of that sport's program and determines the system of instruction and strategy for that program at all levels. The communication among the modified, JV, and varsity programs is the responsibility of the varsity coach. Preparing to win, striving for victory in each contest and working to reach the group's and individual's maximum potential are worthy goals of a varsity level team.
Physical Education Class Participation
Each student athlete is required to take physical education class according to New York State Law. Student athletes must fully participate in physical education class to be eligible to participate in practice and contests that day.
Academic Eligibility and Discipline Policies
Student athletes will abide by the rules set forth in the Academic Eligibility and Discipline Policies. Athletics is an extension of the classroom with moral and educational obligations.
S.C.S. will provide transportation to and from all away athletic contests. Athletes may ride home ONLY with their parents from an away contest in conjunction with a parental signature. All student athletes are expected to maintain proper bus behavior.
Student athletes must be in school by 9:30 a.m. in order to participate in a contest or practice that day. A tardy to school is only considered legal if it is for one of the following reasons:
1) Funeral
2) Medical/dental appointments with absence for part of the day
3) Religious observation
4) Required court appearances
5) Approved college visits
6) Acceptable excuses which are reviewed by the Administrative Team
Quitting a Team
Prior to the final cut date, or the first game where cuts are not made, a player may withdraw or transfer (from one team to another during the same season) without penalty provided he/she discusses that matter with the coach of the team before leaving. If a student athlete quits after the final cut date or after the first game where cuts are not made they will not be able to participate in the next consecutive season of that particular sport unless they appeal to the Administrative Team. This penalty will carry over into the following academic school year. If the Administrative Team decides that the student athlete's reasons for quitting are legitimate the participation in the following sports season may be granted.
Drug/Alcohol Substance Abuse Policy
The Administrative Team will conduct an extensive investigation to determine the consequences of the student athlete's actions. Each case will be individually handled specifically for that student athlete. The following are examples of, but not limited to reasons that will result in a student athlete's suspension from 15% of a team's scheduled contests. The Administrative Team can and will impose more severe penalties on a case by case basis on the first offense if deemed appropriate. The severity of the punishment for additional offenses will be at the discretion of the Administrative Team.
1) Use or possession of drugs and/or alcohol products either on or off school grounds.
2) Attending a party where individuals are consuming or are in possession of alcohol and/or drugs.
3) Providing a venue, facility, or place where drugs and/or alcohol are provided by the host and are being consumed by students.
4) Posting of pictures (knowingly or unknowing) on the Internet (any electronic media) insinuating use of drugs/alcohol, out of character behavior, or crime shall be confirmation of a violation of the code.
5) Selling drugs/alcohol or any other illegal substances on or off school grounds.
Hazing is defined as any conduct or behavior that is any act, whether physical, mental, emotional, or psychological, which subjects another individual voluntarily or involuntarily to anything that may abuse, mistreat, degrade, humiliate, harass, or intimidate him/her. Individuals involved in incidents of hazing will be subjected to disciplinary action with the subsequent discipline based on the severity of the circumstances surrounding the hazing incident(s).
Once you have read and understand this code of conduct please click the link to get the forms that need to be returned to school.
Acknowledgment of Risk of Injury and Medical/Dental Release and Transportation Consent Forms
Code of Conduct Form
Medical Restrictions:
"When a student submits a medical restriction for any purpose which indicates the student may have a physical impairment which impacts the student's ability to participate in school activities, the District needs to investigate all areas impacted by the restriction. In other words, if the District receives a medical note indicating the student has a broken arm and needs a scribe, the District must determine to what degree the student can participate in physical education or extra-curricular activities if the medical note does not address it. The additional medical clarification is for the purpose of properly accommodating the student's needs and fostering a safe environment for the student. Depending on the student's physical impairment, the District may also make a referral to the Committee on Special Education, or the 504 Team to consider the additional need for an accommodation plan."
Click DOCUMENTS tab for Athletic Forms
Click the image above for full athletic schedules.

The Stamford Booster Club is very active. Its members are parents of any school athlete, on any sport, at any level, community members, students, teachers, and coaches.
Fund raisers have included T-shirt/umbrella/blanket/cushion sales, sponsoring the Mayors Cup Soccer games, Christmas Tournaments, and selling refreshments at ball games.
All proceeds from fundraisers are used for the betterment of extra-curricular athletics in the Stamford Central School District. They also sponsor the athletic banquet and Camperships.
Monthly meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Distance Learning Room (Room 113); new members are welcome, including students.
New items offered by the Booster Club include:Stamford Indians lanyards, stainless steel bottles, and sling back packs. These items are available at any time.